Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Chiappa Barrel Organ  Daisy Bell and Oh! Mr Porter  Machines Vs Music 
 2. Tin Hat  Daisy Bell  The Sad Machinery Of Spring  
 3. Jay Buckey  Daisy Bell - No Banjo  www.jaybuckey.com 
 4. Jay Buckey  Daisy Bell - Rhythm Only  www.jaybuckey.com 
 5. Edward M. Favor  Daisy Bell (1894)  North American Phonograph Company-1058 
 6. Jay Buckey  Daisy Bell - No Bass  www.jaybuckey.com 
 7. Jay Buckey  Daisy Bell - No Mandolin  www.jaybuckey.com 
 8. Jay Buckey  Daisy Bell - No Bass  www.jaybuckey.com 
 9. Jay Buckey  Daisy Bell - No Banjo  www.jaybuckey.com 
 10. Jay Buckey  Daisy Bell - Guitar  www.jaybuckey.com 
 11. Florrie Forde  For Old Times' Sake Daisy Bell  English Music Hall, 1901 - 1934 
 12. Jay Buckey  Daisy Bell - Banjo Mandolin  www.jaybuckey.com 
 13. Jay Buckey  Daisy Bell - Banjo Mandolin  www.jaybuckey.com 
 14. Jay Buckey  Daisy Bell - Banjo Mandolin  www.jaybuckey.com 
 15. Florrie Forde  For Old Times' Sake Daisy Bell  English Music Hall, 1901 - 1934 
 16. Who's Slamming Who Who's Slamming Who  December 8th, 2008: From Bell To Bell with Mike Quackenbush  whosslammingwho's Podcast 
 17. Who's Slamming Who Who's Slamming Who  SEASON'S BEATINGS: From Bell To Bell with Mike Quackenbush  Who's Slamming Who 
 18. Stacy Doris  Luminous Bell Bell Ferraris Preface  SUNY-Buffalo / Oct-30-2001 
 19. Stacy Doris  Luminous Bell Bell Ferraris Preface  SUNY-Buffalo / Oct-30-2001 
 20. Beggars Belief  Jar Of Porter  Rover 
 21. The Dubliners  Jar of Porter  Off to Dublin Green  
 22. The Dubliners  Jar Of Porter  The Dubliners  
 23. The Dubliners  Jar Of Porter  Collection  
 24. The Dubliners  Jar Of Porter  Collection  
 25. The Dubliners  Jar of Porter  Off to Dublin Green  
 26. The Dubliners  Jar Of Porter  The Dubliners  
 27. Track  Hey Porter   
 28. Johnny Cash  Hey! Porter  The Johnny Cash Collection - V   
 29. Johnny Cash  Hey Porter  The Sun Years [Rhino]   
 30. Johnny Cash  Hey Porter  Ring Of Fire [UK]   
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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